Improving stroke care across the world: the Angels Initiative
Article Information
Volume 4 Issue 2, pages 32-42
Received – 10 December 2018, Accepted – 13 December 2018
Valeria Caso
Stroke Unit, Perugia, Italy
Magd Fouad Zakaria
Department of Neurology, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
Ales Tomek
Charles University, 2nd Medical Faculty, Prague, Czech Republic
Robert Mikulik
St. Anne’s University Hospital Brno, International Clinical Research Centre, Neurology Department, Brno, Czech Republic
Sheila Cristina Ouriques Martins
Presidente Brazilian Stroke Network; President of Ibero-American Stroke Society
Thang Huy Nguyen
Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine, HCM City, Vietnam; The People’s 115 Hospital, Vietnam
Anastasia Rossouw
FC Neurol SA, MMed Neurol AHMP; Head of Clinical Unit, Division of Neurology
Corresponding Author: Ales Tomek –

Stroke is today one of the leading causes of death and, after dementia – often caused by a previous stroke – the 2nd leading cause of disability globally, and the burden of stroke is increasing. Early intervention is well established as a critical factor in successful patient treatment, management, and outcomes. Funded by Boehringer Ingelheim International GmBH, and endorsed by the European Stroke Organisation, the non-promotional ANGELS (Acute Networks Striving for Excellence in Stroke) Initiative has been the motivation and driving force for significant achievements by participating nations. This article presents examples of successful implementation of improved stroke care with the support and involvement of the ANGELS Initiative in numerous countries in different continents.
Acknowledgements: We thank Rosswrite Medical Writing, and Oruen Ltd., for editorial assistance in the preparation of this manuscript.
stroke 2020; quality; benchmarking; DNT; IV thrombolysis; thrombectomyFollow Us
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