Home 9 Neurology 9 Neurosurgery 9 Re-Shaping the Future of Neurosurgery: A conversation with Dr. Gelareh Zadeh

Re-Shaping the Future of Neurosurgery: A conversation with Dr. Gelareh Zadeh

November 1, 2021

In the second session of this four part series – We will have an in-depth discussion with Dr. Gelareh Zadeh. The first female Chair of Neurosurgery at University of Toronto, Dr. Gelareh Zadeh is re-shaping the future of this highly technical speciality, not just in terms of clinical practice and research but in her role modelling as a teacher, mentor and sponsor of the next generation.

Dr. Gelareh Zadeh
Neurosurgical Oncologist and Senior Scientist, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre and the first female Chair of Neurosurgery at the University of Toronto.

Interviewed by
Meaghan Stovel McKnight
Chief Operating Officer, Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation

This video was shared by The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation



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